Beenders Walker Mktg. Group

125 E. High Street Ste 200

Phone: 573-636-8282


The Beenders Marketing Group (TBMG) specializes in tourism/travel marketing, strategic solutions, public outreach, public relations and media relations. TBMG also provides clients with creative approaches to effective communications, image building, electronic and print marketing, and successful sales techniques.
br> Based in Jefferson City, Mo., TBMG was founded in 1995 by Marjorie Beenders and is certified by the State of Missouri as a Woman-owned Business Enterprise (WBE). Before starting TBMG, Beenders served with distinction as Director of the Missouri Division of Tourism for nearly 13 years. Her creative, innovative marketing and promotion programs resulted in significant tourism growth, earning national awards and recognition. Marjorie’s creative talents, motivational strengths and leadership abilities are put to good use every day for TBMG clients.
br> Beenders and the TBMG team – with many years of experience in promotion, marketing and public relations – offer wide-ranging services to their clients. From media relations and communications to campaign coordination and marketing plan development, TBMG is a full-service marketing firm.

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